How to pay half or less of your standard advertsining costs

OK, confess now - you did spend money on ineffective advertising, didn't you. If you are remotely interested in either online or off-line business - you did. So did I - I must be a slow learner as I've done it a few times.

Now, ask yourself how to reach your target customer, in your local area at the fraction of the cost?

The easiest way of doing this is to find another business that is not in direct competition with yours, that has the database of customers that are likely to buy from you (since they are you target market - geographically and demographically.

Then approach that business owner with your add-value offer for their customers. Surely enough, your offer must be strong and very attractive for prospective customers to take you up on it. Not only that - it has to be safe for your new joint venture partner (as they don't want to damage their reputation).

The secret to this offer is “sampling” - give away your an example of your product or service for no charge, so that your potential customer had a chance to sample your service/product. The price of this promotion will be your cost of your product or service. From experience, this figure will be much lesser then advertising in newspaper or any other media for that matter. While the results - well you only have to redeem your offer to qualified leads, who actually took the trouble and contacted you, by other calling you, emailing, walking-in or sending the order form. Aaaah - the sweet order form - the music to your ears :) - ka-ching!

Here’s an example of how to leverage your marketing budget with co-op advertising.


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